The Amazing Spider-Man
Aloha, my personal collection of The Amazing Spider-Man starts with #2.
Starting in 2023, I will be selling this collection to finance a business venture in wellness and life coaching.
If you are interested in the very first issues of the Amazing Spider-Man, make sure to check out this web site as well as newjumpswing on eBay.
I will be selling individual issues up to #99.
From there it will be #100-199,200-299,300-399,400-499,500-599,
600-699,Superior Spider-Man and The Nick Spencer volume.
I will be including Maximum Carnage within the 300 series as well as variants within the 500,600 and Nick Spencer series!
Thank you for your patronage.
Currently on eBay

Personal Comic Book Collection.
This is a picture of my personal Spider-Man & Black Panther comic book collection.
To complete my collection of Amazing Spider-Man v.1,
I need issue #1 along with Amazing Fantasy #15
My collection includes All other volumes,mini series and One shots within the original Marvel Spider-Man Universe (Every possible Variant cover NOT included)

In Memory of Irving Williams (The Mighty Thor) and celebration of my over 6 decades of friendship with Ronald P. Blanche (The Human Torch)
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mike Melanson (themanofbat) , Tom Pinsonneault (CaptainStacy), Cole Brenize, Lamont Johnson. Michelle Dalton
Aloha and Mahalo to cousin Juan Waiters, who introduced me to both Marvel comics and The Amazing Spider-Man #18 in 1964!
Among the Many People that this Web Site is Dedicated to, I will be Eternally Grateful to
Lamont Cranston Johnson
(Jan 23,1961 - Feb. 11, 2004)

Literacy through Spider-Man
As an original member of the Merry Marvel Marching Society and a collector of more than 98% of ALL 616 Marvel Universe Spider-Man titles, I have but one objective with this site and that is to promote what I consider to be the greatest fictional character in literary history. Not only is it not my intention to interfere in Marvel's ability to sell their products, but on the contrary, I am committed to the promotion of literacy through the character Spider-Man as well as The Black Panther.

When developing this fan site, I thought to myself, what could I contribute to the world of Spider-Man that hasn't been done before? Rather than repeating things that have already been presented on other Spider-Man web sites, I choose to develop a comprehensive Links and creators page. My goal is to develop a comprehensive web site that between it and these links, if you can't find out EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about the character Spider-Man, it's not out there.
You can go on Google, Yahoo or any other Search Engine and type in the word Spider-Man and come up with more fan web sites than you can shake a web at. As the years have gone on, I've found the following web sites to be nothing but Amazing, Spectacular and down right Sensational in their research, presentation and dedication to the character Spider-Man
Online Comic Apps

The Marvel Comics API allows developers everywhere to access information about Marvel's vast library of comics—from what's coming up, to 70 years ago.
You can Only be a Comic Book Collector with the Comic Books!
Aloha, I started this website in 2003. At that time I stated the following.Key factors in enjoyable cyber comic book reading is a quality video card and monitor as well as proper posture. I am of the opinion that the future of comic books will include cyber comics. There may be a time when either a disk of the comic comes with the comic or you can subscribe to the comic book on line and download the latest editions directly from the comic book publishers via the internet. The comic book industry must develop innovative ways to attract both the traditional fan boy as well as new demographics of readers, if it is to remain a vibrant industry. The industry cries out for more female and multi cultural representation in every aspect of the business.

Greatest Fictional Characters in Modern Literature!
This Library of Spider-Man and Black Panther comic books cover scans is for the purpose of enlightening the world community regarding the characters Peter Parker/The Amazing Spider-Man, Mile Morales Spider-Man as well as King T’Challa-The Black Panther.
It's Mission is to promote literacy and research as well as the free expression of ideas regarding the character based upon that research.
With the world wide success of the Spider-Man movies, it is essential, that the unabridged character be presented. The success of Spider-Man and other Marvel Super Heroes in the movies, is greatly dependent upon the ability of the directors and screen writers to fully understand the character and the actor portraying that character, fully buying into that Super Hero. In deference to the late Christopher Reeves, I would say that he bought into this concept better than any so far. He was Superman down to the curl in the forehead. He "made you believe that a man could fly"!
Hollywood must understand that because of the relatively faithful presentation, that the Spider-Man movies have taken( organics and Mary Jane /Gwen melding not withstanding), individual fans of Spider-Man supported those movies by attending them as much as 16 times.
Whenever Sony Pictures releases a Spider-Man movie, they generate a Billion dollars in revenue for that year. Spider-Man fans will support any faithful presentation of the character at a financial rate that is World Record Breaking. Faithful presentation means as written within the Spider-Man comic books. The farther away from the source material (comics) the greater the box office flop.
Of the many titles and series within the world of Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, volume One, is considered the foundation of the mythos. It is hoped that through this cover scans library, you will have a greater understanding of this character, become a comic book collector and understand why I consider him to be one of the greatest fictional characters of all time!
2011 Update
The cover, drawn by Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, shows Spider-Man clutching a villain in one arm and swinging from his web with the other. It originally sold for 12 cents.
Writer Stan Lee and Ditko co-created the web-slinger and his alter ego, the awkward but educationally gifted Peter Parker, who was bitten by a radioactive spider.
Later, Spider-Man's debut comic sells for $1.1 million
PHILADELPHIA – A comic collector has been caught in Spider-Man's web, paying $1.1 million for a near-mint copy of "Amazing Fantasy" No. 15 that features the wall-crawler's debut.
The issue, first published in 1962, was sold Monday by a private seller to a private buyer, chief executive Stephen Fishler told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
It's not the highest price ever paid for a comic book, an honor that goes to "Action Comics" No. 1 with Superman on the cover, which went for $1.5 million.
But Fishler says the price paid is the most for a book from the Silver Age, the mid-1950s to about 1970.

"The fact that a 1962 comic has sold for $1.1 million is a bit of a record-shattering event," he said. "That something that recent can sell for that much and be that valuable is awe-inspiring."

Usually, it has been comics from the Golden Age — typically from the late 1930s to the early 1950s — that draw seven-figure sums.
In March 2010, a copy of the 1938 edition of "Action Comics" No. 1 sold for $1.5 million on ComicConnect's website. That issue features the debut of Superman and originally sold for 10 cents.
In February 2010, Heritage Auctions in Dallas sold a rare copy of "Detective Comics" No. 27, which featured the debut of Batman, for $1,075,500. Fishler said the same issue had initially sold for just $2,500 in 1985 and for $140,000 in 2000.
"Over the last decade it has become a rather legendary copy because it was in the hands of a collector and no one thought he would sell," Fishler said. "The owner came up with a figure that he didn't think anyone would pay, and it was paid."
"Amazing Fantasy" No. 15 has long been prized by collectors because of Spider-Man's debut. It has been reprinted and made available as a hard-cover, too.

"Spider-Man is one of Marvel's flagship characters so, yeah, I'd say 'Amazing Fantasy' is very important," said Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Axel Alonso. "Funny thing is, the series — which was formerly titled 'Amazing Adult Fantasy' — was scheduled for cancellation before issue 'Amazing Fantasy' No. 15 hit stands. It ended up being one of Marvel's highest sellers at the time, and paving the road for the 'Amazing Spider-Man' series that's run monthly ever since."
It also helped pave the way for Spider-Man adventures on the radio, television and the movie screen.
Lee worked for Marvel for decades, eventually becoming its editor-in-chief, and then starting other businesses, including most recently POW! Entertainment.
He said, given the price paid for the issue, "I wish had saved my old Spider-Man books."
Back in the early 1960s, there was never any thought of saving extra issues or the original artwork that made up comics because there was no space to store the artwork or books sent back by the printer.
"So if someone came to deliver our lunch or sandwiches or something, before he'd left we'd say 'Hey, fella! You want to take these books with you or this artwork with you?'" Lee said. "We were giving all that stuff away. Nobody thought to save these books."
Lee said there is more to the price tag than just money.
"I think it's just wonderful that these old books are now considered, in some way, ancient treasures and are thought of so highly that people would give so much money for them," he said. "I would never have believed it, but I am very impressed."
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